My Practice
Mercer County and Princeton NJ ADHD Coach
Dr. Diane’s unique approach involves three central steps:
The client and I identify problem areas, evaluate course work, and the requirements of a school/work/home environment.
The client and I define long-range goals and short-term objectives.
The client and I create and carry out concrete and practical solutions to achieve those goals and objectives.
Several areas we may focus on are:
- strategies to maintain focus and concentration
- organizational strategies
- time management skills
- learning strategies
Once the goals and strategies are established, I provide structure and boundaries and keep the individual on track by offering suggestions and reminders. We meet weekly with additional check-ins via the Internet, telephone, and texting as necessary. Whatever it takes to get the job done! After working together to overcome obstacles and to meet goals, we discuss how the plan worked and what may need adjustment. We also anticipate future problems and develop ways to deal with them. My methods are effective because they are individualized, flexible, and interactive while at the same time holding the client accountable.
Services for Students:
- executive functioning strategies *EXAMPLE BELOW
- time management
- homework/project initiation and completion
- test/quiz strategies for studying
- strategies for reading/studying in various subject areas
- thesis support
- liaison with school personnel/teachers
- Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 review
Services for Adults:
- executive functioning strategies *EXAMPLE BELOW
- increasing productivity
- structuring work to meet goals
- strategies for organization
- accountability
- management of daily tasks
- strategies for staying healthy i.e. exercise, eating, sleeping
- understanding ADD
*Executive Functioning
Ability to organize information in a way that enables a individual to achieve a future goal. Included skills are planning, organization, time management, working memory, emotional regulation, self-monitoring, and the ability to inhibit one’s impulses. This is one of the key deficits for individual with ADHD. An example: the skills needed to write a research paper may involve breaking the assignment down into smaller chunks, doing it over time. The individual must be able to do the research, figure out what information is important, keep track of notes, put notes into an outline, and then write an organized paper. Each step can present difficulties.